Monday, 29 September 2014

How to Improve Your Inbound Call Center?

By having a competent and apt inbound customer service or support, enterprises can enhance their brand loyalty. For this, it is very important to have a great service or product. Every entrepreneur wants to gain a competitive edge over the other contenders in the market, by offering best-in-class solutions to end customers. For this, enterprises either hire in-house customer service staff or tie-up with a service provider. In case one lacks the expertise and resources to manage processes in-house in that case, it is best to look for an external service vendor.
In order to meet the growing demands of customers, service providers consider outsourcing as a strategic step towards business growth. All an enterprise needs to do is select a professional service provider and enjoy the benefits of it. It is crucial to have an experienced technology partner for a business as they help with business planning and improvement. Also, the kind of high-tech setup and infrastructure, skilled resources and domain knowledge they have is remarkable. Service vendors are round the clock available to help the end customers.

Let’s see where all an Inbound call center service provider can help:
1.       Access to professional customer service agents
These agents have the required expertise, technical knowledge and experience to handle end-to-end Inbound process without any hassles. They interact with customers to offer them valuable services over multiple channels and manage the entire process seamlessly.
2.       Analytics and Reporting
One of the big reasons of implementing analytics and reporting into the segment of customer service is because, it empowers an organisation to analyse their performance and level of service and report or document the same for further improvement.
3.       Technology integration
By integrating relevant technology and applications, an enterprise is able to automate their business processes which ultimately reduce the processing time and increases the overall business productivity.
4.       24X7 Helpdesk
Customers must get the help whenever they need it the most. This is why customer service entrepreneurs or any business agnostic organisation offers a 24X7 operating environment to the end customers.
Inbound call center services along with state-of-the-art infrastructure and customer care support, entrepreneurs are able to significantly reduce their operational cost and increase their level of proficiency. 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Why Should You Outsource Bank Reconciliation Services?

The mismanagement of financial records can cause a lot of damage to an organisation. This is why, it is essential to get the bank accounts and financial statements reconciled as per the requirement of a business.
Service providers offer professional bank reconciliation solutions to small, medium and large organisations. An organisation’s financial and banking functions include many aspects, such as managing accounts payable or receivable, cross-checking invoices, bank reconciliation, general ledger accounting and so on. Maintaining a proper record of all these functions is very important in order to have a strong financial position in the market. Theses are the basic elements required to create an accurate and adequate record of an organisation’s transactions.
Outsourcing firms have a proficient team of accountants and finance professionals who can offer an end-to-end assistance to the relevant organisations and handle all aspects of business accounting, as and when required. The outsourced team provides high-end bank reconciliation services all across the world. Service providers help an enterprise to identify and resolve accounting errors that are found during the reconciliation process. The third-party vendors also recognises any illicit cash withdrawals or other irregularities in an accounting process. By timely identifies the areas of improvement, vendors empower financial institutions to manage all the functions effortlessly.
An outsourcing firm set apart its work by category and type in order make the control procedure to function effectively. Outsourced accountants assist in monitoring the cash flow of an organisation, regularly.

Some of the Bank Reconciliation services include:
·         Comparing an organisation’s accounts with the bank statements
·         Reviewing all the checks, written receipts and invoices
·         Comparing an organisation’s cash accounts with the general ledger accounts
·         Identifying and addressing errors in the accounting records
Bank reconciliation or credit card management is a time taking process. For entrepreneurs, it is difficult to give time and effort to this process and get accurate financial records. Thus, they take the help of financial service providers.
Outsourcing bank reconciliation services is a common practice, nowadays, as it has a lot of benefits and helps in maintaining the financial position of an organisation in the industry. 

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Ask Your Service Provider to Offer Best Minimalist Designs

Clean layout, effective and meaningful graphics, appealing colour combination, etc. are design elements that can make the branding or web presence of an organisation, the best. Overly crowded or cluttered websites are complex for a visitor to use or to understand. Even banner ads, logos or posters that has complex design are not easily recognised by users. Thus, it is always advisable to have a minimalistic yet powerful design for your brand.

Designs covey brand message that lasts long. Therefore, it is very important to lay emphasis on this integral part of business. While designing a corporate collateral make sure to consider layout, colour scheme, white space, typography and graphics. Let’s see how these elements can impact in a big way if kept minimal.

Colour Choices

While making the colour choices for brand communication, entrepreneurs must keep in mind its strategic impact on their business. Among all, black, white and grey are the most prominently used colours for corporate branding. Though entrepreneurs may use any colour with the right combination and design framework.

Effective Minimalist Layout

Creating a minimal design is challenging at times. It is essential to consider every business element and to implement a layout that is easy on usage and functionality needs proper planning and designing.

White Space

Proper use of space determines the impact of a design. A reputed design service provider understands when a white space should be used. Space allows a user to focus on the design precisely, thus, when it should be used and how it should be used matters a lot. It creates a balance between the page elements, design and functionality, etc.


The usage of graphics in a minimum way possible is intentional. Though, designers choose to create and develop graphics that can be very much effective on the overall branding. Graphics should be relevant to the content, topic or brand message.


Typography is the style of fonts. Many designers use a specific font for headlines, one for body line and one for navigation. Simple yet engaging fonts and tygraphy should be used that can be easily readable and understood by users.

Entrepreneurs shall opt for effective graphic design services and enhance the impact  of their branding.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

A Synopsis on Accounts Payable Outsourcing Solutions

It is difficult for any enterprise to optimise working capital and sustain cash incentives. In order to maintain a long lasting vendor relationship, smart enterprises bring together process rigor service along with cutting-edge technology. Entrepreneurs look for solutions that can bring a transformation the finance and accounting sector.

Service providers offer a wide range of services to drive a rapid scale of economies and maximise profits. They offer re-engineering and analytical services in order to explore the improvement areas and use their strength to expand a client’s business. By providing an end-to-end assistance to small to large enterprises, the third-party service providers offer:

  • Document management
  • Invoice processing
  • Approval and resolution management
  • Disbursement
  • Month-end reporting and analysis
  • Helpdesk

By implementing a more effective accounts payable function, organisations want to leverage the benefits of having a better financial stand in the market. Benefits include:

  • Standardisation and consolidation
  • Automated Invoice processing
  • Optimised working capital
  • Better financial control and management

There are a lot other benefits of having effective accounts payable solutions. An organisation relies a lot on the accuracy and adequacy of its processes and this is what also, becomes one of the key differentiators of a business. Having a structured process and a complete assistance helps an entrepreneur manage and expand better.

The service providers follow a state-of-the-art process for making the accounting function more adequate and accurate. Also, via implementing automation, the process cycle time has reduced to a great extent. The third-party vendors develop and incorporate better ways to enhance the quality and timeliness of any function and offer full support in terms of technology and human resources to an organisation.

An organisation has many financial tasks that need supervision and enhancement. By partnering with a service provider, an organisation becomes empowered to handle a process more efficiently. Also, the employees of an enterprise get relieved from some of the non-core processes and get to focus on other important core functions of a business. This is why many of the entrepreneurs are partnering with an outsourcing firm to enhance their processing methods and overall business efficiency.

In case you are looking for accounts payable solutions in UK or anywhere in the world, you must partner with a service vendor who is equipped with the necessary technology and human resource to support your business activities and add value to the business.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Do you or don’t need to rebrand?

The online marketing sector is full of services and thus, has a lot of scope for businesses. Rebranding is one of the tactful ways for brands who look to come back in the market in order to boost their customer base. Also, to bring in a strong brand image this process plays a vital role. Products or brands that are not evolving with time can become irrelevant and stale. With growing customer demands and changing market trends, one need to recognise the need for transformation.

So, are you ready to rebrand? Well, the marketing structure of every enterprise has a certain roadmap. Without having clearly defined goals and purpose behind this action, it is no advisable to take such a huge step. Rebranding is basically done to hype a brand or increase its sales. It includes the change of logo or brand identity. Whenever a new service or product is launched and if marketers or the business owners that it requires a different marketing approach then in that case organisations opt for a different advertising strategy.

It takes a great amount of time, energy and resources to put this process into action. Entrepreneurs often take the help outsourcing agencies in order to put forward a standardised process to undertake end-to-end marketing process and give an entrepreneur the business boost they are looking for.

Consider some of the following parameters and check whether your brand need a Remarketing or not.

·         An organisation is planning to expand or grow nationwide or globally
·         An existing brand is wanting to enter into a new market.
·         An entrepreneur wants to improve its brand identity in front of its target market
·         In case of a merger or acquisition

How to remarket successfully?

Once you have defined the long term and short term goals, understood your target audience & their preferences and fixed a budget for the marketing drive, put across some of the viral ideas. Emotional ideas or utility-based ones always work! Depending on the kind of brand image you want to have, develop a website marketing solutions and go ahead with it. Also, entrepreneurs need to change the entire brand approach towards its customers. Create a proper branding guidelines that can be followed in case of all business communications.

Build an action plan:-

What to do? Where to position your brand? What all marketing modes to use? Budget? And, so on… Once you have a plan ready, take expert help for modification and follow the same till you get adequate results. A marketing drive needs time to get successful, till then you can always measure the response of the audience of social platforms.

Create a buzz on the social media sites:-

Social media is growing like anything. From celebrities to the general public, everybody is leveraging the power of this platform and communicating their message. Develop a campaign that can suit your target sector and market it on social media. This way, you will grow exponentially.

There are a lot of other Internet marketing services that can help to accelerate a rebranding drive of an organisation. Partner with a full fledged marketing service provider to grow your brand.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

BPO Rising beyond the Cost Saving Model

The business model of using shared services for cost arbitrage is passe now. BPO, today, is known for its had core benefits, that includes, value addition, process improvement and increased profit margins.

The market is tough, though, and enterprises face a lot of challenges- fluctuating business regulations, rising demand for high service standards and the need for transformation. In order to survive the current industry turmoil, entrepreneurs look for new and improved ways in order to meet the requirements of the clients as well as the industry.

There is an alternative for large-scale and startup organisations to lower business costs and set a foundation for business growth. By outsourcing some or most of the business processes, entrepreneurs get to leverage the benefit offered by service providers. BPO thrives businesses to scale further and expand on a global platform.

If incorporated correctly, BPO can prove to be a strategic move to help businesses survive the downturn and earn good profits at the same time. The focus should be on operational efficiency, more than anything else. There are a lot of long term benefits of outsourcing.

·         Reduction in the cost structure
·         No CAPEX required
·         Shift business focus from non-core to core functions
·         Integrate technology into business solutions
·         Use the power of knowledge and expert insights
·         Implement services like analytics and reporting to enable process improvement
·         Offer business consulting and planning

By improving the savings upto 60%, BPO service providers engineer solutions to bring quick returns to an organisation. Outsourcing not only handle the workload of an entrepreneur, but also, develop and standardise a process to manage it further.

With the collaborative effort of a service provider and an entrepreneur, a business can succeed to great heights, reaching maximum potential customers and retaining them at the end of the day to maintain the growth. Also, with the help of remotely accessed technology solutions and virtual assistance of outsourcing firms, businesses can expand beyond the geographical boundaries.

By implementing BPO solutions and focusing on technology innovation from time to time, entrepreneurs can engage more and more prospects on multiple channels of communication. One can tap the potential of such solutions and leverage the long-term benefits of business continuity and agility.

So, go ahead and partner with BPO Service providers in UK and all across the globe in order to improve the process efficiency and productivity of a business by shifting their BPO model from CAPEX to OPEX.